Some very brief thoughts on tonight's Lost:
Well, that was... mythic.
I'm not remotely sure to what extent any of it counts as an actual explanation for anything, but I'm kind of impressed by how they managed to pack so many of the show's recurring motifs into one small story. And I'm actually very amused by the fact that even Jacob and Smokey couldn't get any damned questions answered, and thus may not have any actual idea what the deal is with this place, either.
Also, it made me feel very sorry for Smokey, which, after last week, is really quite an accomplishment.
By the way, I started to feel kind of insulted by the show's apparent assumption that I wouldn't remember the bodies in the cave, but I forgave it when I got to see alive!Locke again, with that wondering look on his face, and suddenly it all became too, too poignant. *sniffle*