Dear Chocolatier

Jan 04, 2022 19:03

Hello, Chocolate Box creator! I'm AstroGirl, here and on AO3, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing whatever you come up with!

First of all let me assure you that I have really broad tastes, and enjoy everything from sweet, happy fluff to full-bore tragic angst. For fic, plot is certainly welcome, but I regard it as entirely optional, and I can and will be 100% satisfied with something that's purely character-based (two people having a conversation, someone being introspective, whatever). Note that any prompts I might have are just suggestions. If they're appealing or useful to you, feel free to take them anywhere you'd like to go with them, but if you've got a different idea, go for it! I love surprises. I am fine with any rating, but when it comes to sex scenes, I prefer them to feel like they're strongly based in the characters, rather than the characters mostly just being there as a vehicle for the porn, if that makes sense. Honestly, I don't have a lot of preferences about what the characters might be doing in bed, as long as they feel like themselves while doing it.

DNWs: Any kind of AUs except canon divergence. I'd include in that anything that assumes the universe works in fundamentally different way than we see it working in canon, e.g. everyone-is-born-with-a-soulmate-mark AUs, when people clearly don't have them in canon. (Canon divergence is very much welcome, though, as is fun with parallel universes or changing things through time travel.) Underage sex. A/B/O. Violent "on-screen" non-con. (Non-explicit references to sexual assault, bad guys manipulating or non-violently coercing others into sex, and dubconny scenarios, including sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol, are all specifically OK.)

Some general likes: Complex and flawed characters, complicated emotions or relationships, good dialog and banter, humor, little world-building touches, unreliable narrators, time travel, Sex with Feelings, characters who have interestingly weird or alien perspectives/cultures/biologies/sexualities, big emotions getting expressed in small or quiet ways.

Some stuff I am explicitly okay with: Character death. Unhappy endings, including ships breaking up. Experimental or unusual formats or POVs. (I'm picky enough about poetry that you might want to avoid that, but otherwise feel free to go wild). Subverting or playing around with familiar tropes. Crossovers between requested fandoms. Setting things at absolutely any time before, during, or after canon, or in a canon-divergence AU. Also, characters other than the requested ones are always welcome (including other incarnations of the Doctor and other Time Lords in Doctor Who), and if they play a big part in the fic along with the requested character(s), that's perfectly fine.

Some notes about art: I love fan art, but I'm not an artist, so it's a lot harder for me to talk about what I do or don't want/like for art than for fic. But I will say that I like both art in which the characters look (more or less) realistically like themselves and cute, cartoony art, as well as more abstract/symbolic/conceptual kinds of art. I'm less keen on art that deliberately tries to make the characters look hotter, or younger, or things like Good Omens art that gives Crowley pointed ears so he looks more demon-y. Sexy/NSFW art is definitely welcome, but I'd prefer if it's more character-based or evoking a mood of some sort, rather than just being about putting some genitals on display.

On to the specific requests! I think the trope requests can pretty much speak for themselves here, so I'll just add some general remarks for the various pairings/fandoms.


Disco Elysium

Harry Du Bois & Kim Kitsuragi & Lawrence Garte
Harry du Bois & Revachol
Harry Du Bois/Kim Kitsuragi
Harry Du Bois/Kim Kitsuragi & Lena/Morell
Harry Du Bois/Kim Kitsuragi & Revachol
Kim Kitsuragi & Members of Precinct 41

I'm happy with any take on Harry and Kim's relationship, from buddy cop partners to full-bore shippiness, or anything in-between. I love a Harry who's trying to get sober and get better, but I'm also very interested in one who's a hot mess and failing badly, so anything from hopeful fluff to painful angst is welcome here.

Some possible ideas: Kim POV on things that happen during the game. Aftermath of the Tribunal when Harry is recovering and Garte is cleaning the room. Harry/Kim first kisses or friends-to-lovers. Harry and Kim working a new case together. Telling Lena and Morell about the phasmid. Kim's first day at the 41st. Harry being given important warnings from Revachol, or telling Kim about how the city speaks to him, or Harry and Kim on the streets of Revachol being watched over by its spirit (who might or might not Ship It).

Doctor Who (1963)

Ace McShane & Seventh Doctor
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart & Third Doctor
Barbara Wright/Ian Chesterton
Barbara Wright/Ian Chesterton & First Doctor & Susan Foreman
First Doctor & Susan Foreman

One thing that strikes me about all these character combinations I've requested is that there's real affection in all of them, even if the characters might come into conflict or disagree with each other.

Some possible ideas: Canon-typical adventures featuring an alien invasion or something, or canon-atypical adventures featuring something weird even for Who. Little domestic or mundane moments between adventures. Developing friendships, or in the case of Barbara/Ian, something more than friendship. A glimpse into how the Doctor feels about these humans, or his relationship with his granddaughter, and maybe into how that changes with time.

It should be noted that I haven't listened to many of the Big Finish audios, so I'd appreciate avoiding anything I'd need to be familiar with those to understand.

Doctor Who (2005)

Amy Pond & River Song & Rory Williams
Eleventh Doctor/River Song
Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter) & River Song
Missy/Thirteenth Doctor
River Song/Thirteenth Doctor
River Song/Twelfth Doctor
The TARDIS/Thirteenth Doctor

A lot of different possible relationships here! I suppose the one thing they all have in common is the possibility to be interestingly strange and complicated, in ways that range from the warm and lovely, to the affectionate but snarky, to (in the case of Thirteen/Missy) the deeply messed up, to the just plain weird.

Some possible ideas: An adventure, canon-typical or otherwise. A pause for a quiet or domestic moments. Unexpected reunions. Feeling some kind of family bond, even when that family is very bizarre and very timey-wimey, and perhaps sometimes kind of exasperating. I'm also always here for messy love-hate Doctor/Master interactions and for explorations of the eternity-spanning love story of the Doctor and her TARDIS, in any form that might take.

It should be noted that I haven't listened to many of the Big Finish audios, so I'd appreciate avoiding anything I'd need to be familiar with those to understand.

Good Omens (TV)

Angels & Aziraphale
Aziraphale & Crowley
Aziraphale & The Bookshop
Crowley & Houseplants

I love both Aziraphale and Crowley so much. I'm interested in their relationships with Heaven and Hell, their relationships with the people and things they love on Earth, and, of course, their relationship with each other. For that last thing, I'm happy with any take on the nature of their relationship, from a completely asexual bond to them thoroughly enjoying this human thing called sex.

Some ideas: A/C first time or friends-to-lovers. Adjusting to life post-notpocalypse and to being on their own side (and maybe having complicated feelings about it). Canon-divergence AU where the apocalypse did happen, after all. Something set in the distant future, or in some interesting historical period. Aziraphale's early days with the bookshop, or his feelings about it as a place that's comforting and purely his, or about it maybe becoming his and Crowley's. How Crowley started cultivating plants, or the plants' perspective on him, or just fun with his unique methods of gardening. Aziraphale happily realizing that he can now tell other angels to buzz off, or maybe discovering there are some who feel sympathetic to him.

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