Melts in your hand, your mouth... yeah, pretty much anywhere.

Aug 03, 2009 19:47

So what's the deal with Smarties?

Here's the thing: Smarties were invented in England in the year 1882, and became a popular candy. In 1954, M&Ms (an American brand) started using the slogan "melts in your mouth, not in your hand". Skittles and Reese's Pieces didn't exist in 1954, so a slogan like that is pretty obviously a glove-slap in the face of M&Ms main competitor, Smarties. Since then, Smarties have had 55 years to reform, and still they refuse. Like the big three automakers, they bury their heads in the sand and believe that these uppity foreigners are engaged in folly, that candy that doesn't stain your hands like a kindergartener's is just a fad, and that customers will eventually return to their crappy traditional product.

Get with it, Smarties. You're making Edsels in a Prius world.
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