Jun 18, 2007 11:14
So heres my issue, so I met this really great guy named Jason he's 28, when we first met each other he told me he had a 9 year old child. So right then and there I told myself that I wouldnt get involved with him. I didnt have a problem that he had a child but a 9 yr old was a little much. But then we started talking alot and spending alot of time together. Hes probably one of the sweetest guys I've met in a long time. I started to except the idea of dating and the idea of him having a older child. so then tonight i asked him when we were hanging out to name some of his faults.
I thought that he would say something along the lines of I watch porn, or I drink alot. He says yes I have something to tell you. So I get that
imediate feeling of wanting to throw up, it hits me and I sit waiting in suspense at what he has to say. i just knew he was to good to be true he tells me he was married to the women he had the child with. Im like ok thats no big deal I figured they were. Then he says theres more and that feeling hits me again and he tells me he was married again and hes been in the prossess of divorcing her. The divorce should be final in the next few weeks. So this is enough to immediatly make me think what the hell hes 28 and already divorced twice. So we talk and I say why and he tells me how he tried with both of them and the first hes still good friends with it just didnt work out and the other one was saying really mean things to his child and she didnt want anything to do with his child after a while, so he ended it.
So im trying to take all this new info in and then he says theres more, I cant imagine what he has to say and then he says that he got a vasectimy done after his child because him and his wife didnt think they were going to have any more children. He decided to do it because it was safer for him to do it then her. Having children is the biggest deal to me, he can get it reversed but theres a chance that it wont work but he said that the doctor can slice and take sperm and freeze them and insert them later. So then im like so i would have to have artificial insemination to be able to have a baby.
so what kind of advice can you guys give me. hes been a totally awsome person and we have alot
in common. but isnt this alot of drama for someone to have to handle.