Apr 02, 2006 13:01
Damn, I had no idea that daylight savings time stole an hour of my life last night. I am pissed. Last night I looked at my clock (which somehow knew daylight savings time began) and I couldn't understand how 4am snuck up on me so quickly. This morning I called some of my peeps at 12pm for our scheduled 1pm soccer game and they both told me I was up an hour early. I assumed someone april fooled the fuck out of me, so I made some pancakes.
Hot damn! Jeb Bush made an appearance in my dream last night. My celly started to ring, and it read "Jeb Bush" like I talked to him on a regular basis. So I answered, "Hey Jeb, what do you want?" After a brief pause Jeb replied, "Oh nothing I was just skimming through some of your personal information we have on file here at the department of defense. I have my eye on you Alex, you and all of the other protestors. Hey Alex, what two things can't you see at night? Black people, and night crawler." "That was a stupid joke, did you expect me to laugh," I inquired? "I can't believe my tax dollars are being spent on your phone calls and shitty jokes." THE END.