Apr 02, 2007 22:41
Telephone interviews are pretty simple. I had my first one today for Habitat for Humanity, and it was much easier than I had expected. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some experience over the summer working for them and if I still like being with them I'll try to find a full time job with them.
Work has gotten a bit difficult, but that's to be expected. Nike is on the verge of their June Sales Meeting (starting off with SKOs - Sales Kick Offs). Which is silly about the SKOs because it is basically a sales meeting before the sales meeting. All is that I can say is that they are thorough but pretty wasteful in terms of materials and organization. Last week wasn't too bad though. I had a lot of fun Friday because I was able to get some more forklift driving experience under my belt. I can almost fold an envelope with one now, but that's not really what I want to end up doing... still quite a life skill.
Oh, I turn 25 this Friday. Wow, I'm going to begin to be old... I guess. My Dad was 4 years married by that point, which always has made me think about what I'm up to in my life. I would like to say that I'm doing something that I really enjoy and are on the way to a path of knowing what I want to do with the rest of my life. But meh, I know for a fact that life really is confusing a lot of the times. I've oddly never really had much enjoyment about birthdays. Or really it's more like I want to have a great time and enjoy or soak up all the fun and attention that people give me on my birthdays but growing up I had a time between 3rd grade through till college that I didn't really have a party or anything. So in leu of me being an ass on my birthday, I would like to say that I have enjoyed all the stuff that people have done for me on my birthday and I would like to do something on Friday or Saturday. It will be good in all ways. :)
I just caught the commercial for "Hot Fuzz" on the TV and it looks funny as hell. Cheers to environmental justice as well.