Nov 01, 2004 21:42
Pride was great! Got all dressed up, marched down the street, was just a great feeling, with lots of great ppl. Also we marched with PFLAG, so I got to walk with my mum which was great! When we got to the park at the end Madison and I (me n julian in drag) got absolutely mobbed by ppl wanting their picture taken with us. At first it was great, but after like 50 photos we kinda got sick of it and asked them to pay for photos lol! Got to the court, decided I couldn't handle wearing my shoes any longer, so went home n got changed. Will post photos of it later.
Also, I have a new job. I'm working at Price Attack in the galleria now which is great. Work with better ppl and get heaps better pay, and my eyebrows done for free! lol. hmmm what else, i'm going to Pageant this weekend with Julian, my mum and his mum, should be reallly good! Decided i'm not gonna go out so much anymore coz I work heaps, so i'm like gonna fully save up my momney so I can go somewhere exciting! :P
I got called for dury duty like this month, but i'm not doing it, then I got a court case the month after, so yeah lots happening.
I don't think I mention in here before, but after I quit working at Reno's, my employment agency put me into this job as sortof a punnishment for quitting. They had me in a job welding and cutting sheet metal lol! Anyone who knows me would know just how hilarious that is! But it surprisingly was kinda fun, in some odd kinda way.
Hmm i'm trying to think what else is new...
My eyebrows
Arms are waxed
Hair is kinda white on the sides, soon to be changed tho
Lotsa new clothes
And tomorrow i'm getting a new phone, an LG cam fone, im so excited, my mums getting it for me on her name, thank god, coz i got enough debts to worry about as it is.
Atm I'm in love with Gwen Stefani, Paris, MK AND A Olsen, Ahsleigh Simpson, and BoomKat, i know boomkat is like hell old, but get their album, it totally rocks in all the right ways.
There's no-one really special in my life atm, which is actually ok. Not saying it's good or anything, but I just feel really happy with myself atm. So yeah this is an upbeat entry, since all my previous ones seem quite depressing, but yeah that's life, n life is good :P
Can't wait to see "Saved" at the momvies, Macaulay Culkin has my heart!
That's it for now, byeeee