Dec 19, 2007 14:28
I hated going to weddings. All
the grandmas would poke me saying
"you're next!" they stopped doing that
when I started doing it to them at funerals
Being happy does'nt mean that everything is perfect.
It means you've decided to live life despite its imperfections.
So be happy because life sucks, but your doing just fine.
Who are you to judge the life I live?
I'm not perfect and I don't live to be.
But before you start pointing fingers,
make sure your hands are clean.
No one cares if you're miserable,
so you might as well be happy.
in life everyone has a gift,
some people just open theirs sooner than others.
A northern fairytale starts out,
"Once upon a time..."
A southern fairytale starts out,
"Ya'll ain't gonna believe this shit!"
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour.
sit with a pretty girl for an hour,and it seems like a minute.
that's relativity. ~ Albert Einstein
It's those moments when you drive around
in a car full of friends around a town too small for you.
Where you gasp for breath between each laugh.
It's those moments where you get high off just breathing in so deep,
you feel your lungs getting cold.
For a second, that split second, you don't care.
You don't care about school,
about parents, about money, about rules, or broken hearts.
Who you care about are the kids sitting next to you.
Cause it's all we really need isn't it?
Those kids next to you.
Yeah, the ones who make you feel invincible,
even at your weakest points