
Jan 20, 2010 00:05

Llegué a mi cuarto y veo el reloj que marca intermitentemente 2:23 que es en realidad el tiempo que ha pasado desde que volvió la luz, ya que me toca horario de 7:00 a 9:00 pm sin luz por el racionamiento actual. No comments.

Today was neat 'cause I played some more Theremin, which started a few days ago when I finally started using my Moog etherwave (I had to get an electric adapter because it's an europeam systen electric circuit so it works with 220V, brought from Miami by Amanda :))- I was back at Ciro's studio to do some more jamming which has been taking place a lot a lot lately. I'll upload a video soon. We want to put some new songs together for my birthday party in one week let's see what happens..Playing the theremin is very hard but amazing and interesting, you can control the sound in a way that is very easy to mix with rhythms and harmonies, and plus it means playing an invisible instrument and looks super cool!! : ) This is a nice video mario bros. with a theremin by Randy George.

electricidad, theremin

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