Every body run, the Homecoming Queen's got a passport...

Jun 10, 2009 22:45

More for my Australian buds than the UK chaps, so ignore if not applicable.

So, to those who don't know, it seems to be that I am returning to Australia.

The detail bits are as follows:

I leave sunny Londinium on the 24th of June.

On the 25th of June I have a 4 day stop over in Tokyo! (Hello Kitty World, here I come)

On the 29th of June I leave Humid Tokyo.

On the 30th of June, we (my British beau
reindeerflotila and I) arrive in not so sunny Melbournium.

The mild panic topics:

Jobs. Kinda stuff that we'll sort out ourselves, but hey.

Place to live/stay for a bit. Yeah, so super late notice, but if anyone knows where a friendly and tidy boy couple might be able to rent etc. Please let me know, as I'm a bit crap that way... o_O

Potential zombie outbreaks whilst I've been away. If my friends are brain chewing undead, I'll be deeply saddened, If they're battling the brain chewing undead I'll be a little excited.

That's mostly the thang for me.

It's gonna be super sad to leave some truly great friends that i've made in the UK, but reuniting with past buds should alleviate the pain...
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