Dec 11, 2010 14:27
One would think that having a dissertation defense date would light a fire under my backside to get the darned thing finished. One would be correct. The only downpoint to having a deadline is that I'm now stressed. . .specifically because I was dumb enough to ask for a week of observing in March during dark time. Technically we own the time so I should get it, but I did say Feb-April were acceptable so I'm worried about observing when my dissertation is due to the committee and when I'd like to be writing the slides for my oral defense.
The sign of my stress level was last night's nightmares- that I had observing runs that I had forgotten to travel for. And not just anywhere, but one of the largest telescopes in Arizona which I haven't used for nearly a decade since undergrad. It's the very first time I've had an observing based nightmare.
And even better is that on twitter someone else reassured me that their observing nightmare revolves around not being ready at dusk. Ummm, I'm rarely ever completely ready at dusk and every time I go to Kitt Peak I pray that the internet hasn't barfed so I can get the correct coordinates for whatever asteroid or comet I'm observing. Apparently I am other people's nightmares at telescopes.