Jan 08, 2005 12:10
Your gender: Female
Straight/Gay/Bi: straight
Single?: yes and forever
Your height: 5'4" and 3/4
Eye color: change from green to brown to blue
Hair color: dark brown
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: righty
Your living arrangement: living in an apartment on campus
Tattoos: nope
Obsessions?: balancing my checkbook
Addictions?: Donatos chicken mariachi pizza
Do you speak another language?: yes, French
movie you rented = Dogville
movie you bought = My Best Friend's Wedding and Resevoir Dogs
last movie i received was = Lord of the Rings 3
song you listened to = Big Chips-R. Kelly and Jay-Z
song that was stuck in your head = Encore-Jay-Z and Linkin Park
Cd listened to = Jared's mixed club cd
person you've called = Melanie
person that's called you = Melanie
show you've watched = CNN headline news
Do you:
smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper? when i can, but i mostly get my news online at bbc.com
go 2 church?: no
talk to strangers who IM you?: not really on im much
Sleep with stuffed animals?: no....but i do have to have a pillow in my arms
Walk in the rain? that's crazy talk
talk to people even though you hate them?: yeah....to make fun of them
Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: well sure
Hurt yourself?: i've burnt myself quite a few times but have never broken anything
Been out of the country?: yes
Eaten something that made other people sick?: yep...frozen pizza forever!!
been in love?: no
Done drugs?: no
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Had a medical emergency?: eh..not really
Had surgery?: no
Ran away from home?: i tried once
played strip poker?: no
Got beaten up?: uh...who do you think you're talking to?
beaten someone up?: well not physically dominated them but i have with my words :)
Been picked on?: well sure...who hasn't
Thought about suicide?: yes
Pulled an all nighter?: yes
Gone one day without food?: yes
Talked on the phone all night?: yes :)
slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: yes :)
slept all day: when i was sick
killed someone?: nope
Made out with a stranger?: well duh
Had sex with a stranger?: no
Thought you're going crazy?: yes
Kissed the same sex?: yes
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: hell no
had a dream that came true: by dream do you mean sleep dreams or a hope for yourself?
Broken the law?: nothing major
Met a famous person: yep and made out with him
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: never!
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: probably
Stolen anything?: a lip gloss when i was like 12
been on radio/TV?: yep...NPR represent
Been in a mosh-pit?: yes thanks to mr. ian karell
Had a recurring dream?: all the time
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: absolutely
Who is your best friend(s)?: such a hard question....
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: my mother
Who's your longest known friend?: probably Mo...i don't really talk to anyone from highschool
Shyest?: Mel
funniest: JP
Sweetest?: Andi
Closest?: probably Hill or Emily
Weirdest?: Mo (but in a good way :))
Smartest?: probably Adrienne
ditziest?? ditzy people suck and will not be seen in kate's circle
Last person you talked to online?: haven't been on lately....probably Adrienne
Who are you on the phone with most?: Treg
Who do you fight most with? hell who knows...i fight with everyone
Who's the best singer?: we all can hold our own
Who's on your shit-list?: well everyone has at one time or another but currently Pam at Panera and Lisa at
Lowes....they're both evil bitches who hate thier lives so they talk about everyone else
Who's your second family?: um cello.....the 2010ers
Who's the loudest friend?: Jared
Do you trust others easily?: no
Who's house were you last at?: Melanie's
Name one person who's arms you feel safest in: what kind of question is that?
Do you consider love a mistake?: all the time
What do you find romantic?: being surprised
What turns you on?: confidence and personality
Turn-off?: drugs
First kiss?: i honestly don't know...maybe a kid in my neigborhood???
If someone you had no interest in, had interest in dating you how would you feel?: annoyed
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out?: yes b/c some guys are
so dense
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: haven't we all
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: i believe so
What is best about the opposite sex?: guys are just sexy
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: they can lie and don't like to talk about feelings
What's the last present someone gave you?: i don't know...my christmas presents
Are you in love?: i think i'm close