fic & vid recs (SGA)

Sep 19, 2007 16:46

SGA fandom, how are you so awesome and full of crack? I mean, just look at this: 4 Ways to Defeat the Wraith Through Good Health, part 2 by Zoe Trope (vid, imeem link) And, and this: Stargate Atlantis - A Mini Adventure! by fraffledragon. An animated vid in four parts (youtube link)

fic recs...
While You Were Out by Mad Maudlin
Summary: The last thing John remembered was exploding. 1,893 words
"I'll explain it all after coffee." Rodney stopped short in the hallway. "Oh my god. I cut off diplomatic ties with our only source of coffee, didn't I?"
Finagle's Quake by Perri Smith
Characters: Rodney, Teyla, and team; gen; 18,834 words
Summary: Buried alive with a teammate on an alien world, and something outside just might blow up the planet. It's a very bad day in the Pegasus galaxy, even by Rodney's impressive standards.

Christmas in the Holly Free Zone by friendshipper
Summary: It's the first Christmas on Atlantis. Sheppard's a candy cane, Kavanagh's an elf, Heightmeyer has a cunning plan to build team spirit, Elizabeth has a headache and Rodney's just boycotting the whole thing. Humor, friendship. 11,439 words, season one

Okay, maybe 'tis not yet the proper season to rec this, but I just read it today and wanted to share the, um, Christmas joy immediately.
"C'mon, Elizabeth, cut 'em some slack. We've been living in a combat zone for months; everyone's in a ... what would the psychobabble be ... heightened state of combat readiness, or something." Sheppard snagged himself a couple of cookies, looked at the pudding for a minute and then gave it a pass. "Besides, the party's in, what, twenty-four hours? I don't think they have time to go completely insane."

Elizabeth sighed as she sat down. "I really wish you hadn't said that."
A Slip of the Tongue by agentotter
McKay/Carter; PG
Summary: The first time Rodney kissed Samantha Carter, it was entirely by accident.

Triptych by Mad Maudlin
Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay; PG-13; 4,799 words
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU
(sort of a follow-up to the SG1 ep 'Moebius', IIRC)
Summary: Matter can neither be created nor destroyed

Everything's connected... made my head spin, in a good way.

Regrets, I've Had a Few by sp23
Rodney/Sam NC-17ish; ~1100 words
Summary: Sometimes, you do things in the heat of the moment you live to regret. But then sometimes, you don't.

Ships in the Night by friendshipper
513 words; gen
Summary: Sam couldn't fix a whole universe, but maybe she could help make one thing right.

Great missing scene for The Road Not Taken.

Postcards to Jeannie by friendshipper
Contains spoilers for the Season 3 episode "McKay & Mrs. Miller". Also, pictures.

Pictures for Jeannie by friendshipper
Word Count: n/a (pictures); G; gen; Spoilers: mild ones for McKay & Mrs Miller, Return
Summary: Teyla wants to share her galaxy with Jeannie through photographs. The boys want to get hit with large sticks, apparently.

See John Run! by rhymer23 ( lj-link)
So wrong. So very very wrong. :D (fic comes with illustrations)

via Joe Malozzi's blog: video of Jason Momoa’s first fight/stunt rehearsal
Stargate Atlantis Q&A, David Hewlett and Amanda Tapping

sga, fic_recs:teyla_emmagan, vid_recs:sga, fic_recs:sga, vid_recs

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