(no subject)

Nov 20, 2006 00:34

I've reached the waiting-for-feedback stage of my work, which means: there be fan art. If the drawing goes reasonably well, I may have page 8 of the Angel/Fray comic out soon. Though I haven't even started with it and so far have only the vaguest idea for a page layout.
***Question to my British f-listers... is "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" (MSNBC) showing anywhere on BSkyB? The only NBC channel I seem to get is CNBC, but maybe the show is syndicated on one of the British news channels as well?
***I don't know what to make of 'Torchwood' yet... the show confuses me. I'm oddly fascinated by it; lovely cinematography, ditto for the soundtrack. The dialog is way on the theatralic side which bugs me because I can't discern any irony in the delivery. But mostly I just wish our heroes were not quite so... incompetent.

Episode three was excellent though, so mostly I watch it in the hope of seeing more of that.
***by way of yhlee, seen a couple days ago: Officials: Students can use 'text speak' on tests... O RLY?
***A very handy 'Guide to Writing Fanfiction':
Part One of Two: Character, Part Two of Two: Mechanics
Part two is particularly interesting imho; I wish this was at least recommended reading over at fanfiction.net.
Though, hey, you might've noticed I'm not calling it 'The Pit of Voles' any more. ;) Actually these past months I've found some darned good fic over there. Just, sometimes the commaphobia and head-hopping in a lot of the stories is driving me batty.
***Speaking of darned good fic, Servare Vitas is nearing a close; with the final chapter posted today, all that's missing is the epilogue. (makd, I'll make sure to let you know soon as it's complete). What story will then eat my brain?
***Speaking of fic some more, I recently browsed through the Better Buffy Fiction Archive and noticed that a lot of the outside links don't work any longer - entropy at work. Some maintenance is in order. If you notice any defunct links, please drop me a note? If you happen to know of a new, working link, even better. I'm going to add a note on the main page as well, asking readers to complain about broken links. I won't work on updating the archive any longer myself but I want the collection we have to stay running and up-to-date.

fanfic:meta, linkage

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