Honest When It Counts by Lear's Daughter (Leverage/Lie to me)
Gen; 2,440 words
Dr. Cal Lightman is asked to attend a party and determine whether the guests are who they say they are. He meets a fascinating group of people who very clearly aren't. Or, Cal Lightman meets Nate Ford and co.
Lie To Me is another show I don't know but the fic is enough to give the gist. Very interesting crossover - psychologist specialized in reading body language meets group of professional liars. I especially enjoyed the part where Cal Lightman is trying to read Sophie. ;)
This fic has a sequel,
Conversation in a Holding Cell.
gen; Nate Ford & Cal Lightman; spoilers for Maltese Falcon Job; 1,881 words
Summary: Sterling hires Cal Lightman to read Nate's mind. Little does he know that Cal and Nate are old pals.
Originally posted at
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