Well, I signed up for the Japanese proficiency test at the last minute, just got the confirmation in the mail. N3, there's a pretty good chance I'll flunk it but I just learn better with a bit of pressure. I'm not really concerned about kanji (thank you, FMA) and grammar, but I have to seriously brush up my vocab and the listening part is very hard to gauge... I think there's gonna be some luck involved there. And, from the practise exercise we did this week, it looks like the reading part is gonna be the really tricky part.
If I took it right now I'm pretty sure I'd fail, but I got three months to cram all that stuff into my head. I thought for starters I'd follow
xparrot's rec and watch 12 Kingdoms. I just found a good streaming link and watched the opening... looks very good so far. The art is beautiful for sure!
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