[eta: I just got an invite code for the
AO3 in my inbox. Anybody want?]
vid recs:
Victorious by
tallisen (Chuck)*
Song: Uprising; Artist: Muse
Characters: Chuck, Sarah, Casey, Bryce; Spoilers up to 3x04; streaming & download
Description: Team Chuck versus the World. This is my tribute to Team Chuck and everything wickedly awesome about them.
I really like this vid! I like it so much I downloaded the 500 MB uncompressed file so I can watch it over and over and not worry about broken links. This vid simply has a great energy - lyrics, music, and clips match perfectly, and the mix of action with a bit of humor fits the spirit of the show while adding its own touch.
*(I watched an episode of Chuck on the plane to Comic Con (captive audience, you know how it is) and now I'm the proud owner of the first two DVD sets and a few eps into season three. I'm still not really sure what happened here. *scratches head*)
here's another vid I can't stop rewatching:
Mr. Blue Sky by
charmax (Wall-E)
Song: Mr. Blue Sky, Artist: ELO / dl & streaming, password is in the post
Okay, first off: on-the-nose song choice. The vid basically retells the movie but the way it is cut and the way the clips mesh with the music make it fresh and original. And it's really, really shiny. A joy to watch.
I'm not around that much because I'm in the middle of a big work project. I would really like to post the page I sketched today... and yesterday... and the day before. I think three days is the longest I worked on the sketch of an illustration in recent years and I like the result. Can't share work in progress, alas. Anyway, so finally I finished the first sketch stage: 12 double spread pages, all pencilled. \o/
Unfortunately I already got a ton of corrections for the first batch so there's bound to be more and I suspect I'll spend the next few days just on corrections. October 31st deadline >_<. Fortunately I've already been told that I can go over if necessary. Good thing I've started to schedule buffer time between projects. Yo, I finally learned my lesson! Makes life a lot less stressful.
Well, as much work as this book is, I haven't been bored for a second since I got back from vacation.
I'm quite glad that the only fannish commitments I have at the moment are
fma_ladyfest and
hc_bingo. I should be able to fit in one little fanart this month... I got some great ladyfest prompts.
Originally posted at
Dreamwidth. Comments: