I signed up for another month of humor recs at
stargateficrec, because I got way more than one set and I want to spread 'em out a bit. I still have a whole second category this month I haven't started reccing.
busaikko wrote a terrific Sheppard/Keller/McKay story:
Dulce DomumG; 2668 words
Summary: Jennifer would be the first to admit that she'd never planned on a life that looked like this, but it worked.
A Sheppard/Keller/McKay fic without Keller bashing... thank you, Santa!
Seriously, this fic is a really wonderful depiction of an unconventional marriage, and I love the character dynamics. It's not just that the life those three chose for themselves works, it's that this is *better*, for every one of them. That they're content.
It really made me think, too... about how fanfic, be it slash or het, so often defaults to the very traditional "and then A and B lived happily ever after" and... thing is, that's not how I live, and it's not something I want for myself. There are other ways of living and some days I count my blessings that we live in a time where we have at least options. But I digress. Just, this story scratched an itch I didn't know I had.
Here's one for the Fullmetal Alchemist fans out there:
Intermission by
bob_fish (FMA)
gen with Roy/Riza in a subtexty, really h/c way; spoilers for ch.39/ep.19; PG-13; 2032 words
Summary: It had been something of a long night.
Alright, so I was looking for post-eps for the amazing awesomeness that was ep 19 - I mean, what self-respecting fandom doesn't crank out 300 episode tags after an ep in which the hero [spoiler], [spoiler] and then [spoiler]? But indeed, they're not that easy to find, so I was all the happier when I discovered this wonderful, well-written Riza-POV set right after the episode. It feels totally in character, and has just the right amount of subtexty concern and caring to push my UST-shipper buttons. I really enjoyed reading it.
Hehe. Our teacher in Japanese class suggested that each of us should talk freely for a few minutes to start each lesson, which is a supremely good idea because we talk way too much German there. So, I was volunteered to go first and I'm seriously considering talking about Fullmetal Alchemist. *G* Was first kind of worried about going on about stuff like philosopher's stones and taboos and human transmutation, any of which I didn't know the words for myself a few weeks ago... but I figured I could write the relevant words on the board first, and I could also provide links to the raws and the scanlations, and ask for anime recs from the others. Actually sounds like fun. I mean... I just don't want to talk about the tourist attractions in Münster. ;) I could talk about Stargate Atlantis or fanfic, but manga/anime seems somewhat more target group oriented.
I bought me a new pair of Rollerblades yesterday. Tried them out right after breakfast today. I love them so much, the only thing that stopped me from taking a frikking photo and drawing lots of hearts on it and posting it here is that my camera was out of juice. They are so fast. And comfy right from the start. And did I say fast! Feel twice as fast as my old ones, which were ten years old and so far gone that even brand-new rolls didn't help any more... it was like rolling with the brakes engaged.
Originally posted at
Dreamwidth. Comments: