fic / vid rec (SGA)

Feb 15, 2009 23:51

Okay, I'd say I've fulfilled my griping quota for this month so I'm going back to posting recs. No doubt y'all are as relieved at that as I am. ;)
fic rec:
Born in the Barrens by rhymer23
gen; AU; Sheppard&McKay mainly; adventure; h/c; Rating T; Warning: mentions of torture in flashbacks (though nothing overly graphic); Length: 60,000 words
Summary: While on a mission to the city of the Genii, Rodney McKay, master alchemist, is given a gift of a slave.

Rhymer creates yet another fascinating AU, and I love her version of the characters (particularly Rodney... brilliant alchemist, reluctant hero, arrogant, socially clueless and very lonely). When the story ended, I didn't want to leave that universe. I'm already crossing my fingers for a sequel, since the set up for one is there! This story isn't open-ended though... it comes to a satisfying conclusion, but at the same time leaves room for more stories.
vid rec:
The Writer by suzvoy ( download link)
McShep; Rating: no idea (one brief scene of nudity)
Summary: Constructed reality McShep music vid. An aspiring writer lacks inspiration until he starts a part-time job at a movie theater.

This vid is unusual since Suzvoy uses footage not just from SGA, but also at least two more movies of Hewlett/Flanigan. The idea is just cool - the writer (Joe Flanigan) writes himself into SGA canon to get over writer's block - and it's really well executed, too. Great storytelling!
Work: In the past six weeks I have completed ten double-spread pages and one page of cover art. And since I have another six weeks to go but only seven more double spreads left to do, it means I can finally take a breather and go back to a leisurely fourty-hour week if all goes according to plan. I'm thrilled.

So, I had this entire weekend off. And I got an idea for my sticksandsnark piece. I already had a vague inkling while I was scribbling around yesterday but this morning, while I was in that half-asleep limbo, I finally got an image of the entire pic, down to the details. The sketch is finished now, I'm deciding on a coloring technique... Every time I try painting something I end up switching to colored line art in the middle of it. In any case, I'm thinking of trying to do an initial color scheme with Photoshop, just to see if that works and maybe saves time. I'm not gonna computer color the final work though. No crazy experiments when I'm doing art intended for someone else...

This really turned out to be challenge, Sticks and Snark. I'm such a genficcer at heart. But I think what I have now should work in the context.

I think six weeks is the longest I've gone without making fanart since I discovered SGA. It does my heart good; hadn't realized how much I've come to depend on it to unwind.
oh, btw, has anyone else noticed missing posts on their friends lists? More recently I've seen a handful of posts that I'm pretty sure didn't show up on my friends list at the time, but that are visible when I go straight to a journal's main page. Weird.

sga, vid_recs:sga, fic_recs:sga, vid_recs

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