fic rec [SGA], and that photo meme

Sep 19, 2008 23:26

fic rec:
Breaking Up in Three Easy Clichés by xparrot
McKay/Keller; PG; spoilers for "The Last Man" and "The Shrine"; ~3,300 words

Xparrot says in the story notes that she doesn't like this pairing much and wrote this fic to come to terms with it; you couldn't tell from reading the story. As someone who does like the pairing, I'll be thrilled if the canon writers can pull off writing a relationship this believable and respectful to the characters.
gakked from all over my friends list: photo meme (Because I just bought a new camera)
# Take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW.
# Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair … just take a picture.
# Post that picture with NO editing.
# Post these instructions with your picture.

(The hair actually always looks like this.)
linkage: McCain: The Mavericking Maverick Mavericks More
The story of an aging warrior, dragging himself from a restful retirement to fight once more: possibly senile, definitely psychotic, obsessed with reclaiming past glories with no thought to the consequences.
Photos of McCain with caps from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Oddly fitting. Very funny (in a rather chilling way).
Back at work as of now, I guess. Well, after I hit 'post' I am. I spent a large part of last week prettying up the apartment while my roommate was on vacation. Cleaning, painting my room, cleaning some more, chasing the damn moths out of the kitchen*, doing eight loads of laundry, cleaning. I even picked flowers for the kitchen table. :) Now I know why our apartment normally doesn't look really really nice: if you want a really really nice looking apartment, it's a full-time job.

I finally found the main moth headquarters in a glass that used to contain only Kellog's Smacks, but now looked more like the dinner du jour on a very special episode of Fear Factor. It was so gross that I was almost too fascinated to be grossed out. Now, with that... thing removed, I hope we can finally get that moth problem under control that started years ago with an innocent package of muesli.

fic_recs:jennifer_keller, fic_recs:sga, linkage, memeage

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