(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 18:53

vid rec:
Cupid vs. McShep by pyrateanny
Summary: Rodney and John each call on Cupid for help, but this particular Archer of Love seems a bit inept.

Cracks me up every time I watch it. Very cute.
And Hewlett in the role of Cupid... words fail, really. :D
Found via wraithfodder: About.com has a nice long interview with David Hewlett
While looking for a piece of art I wanted to post, I came across the comic pages I did for that Outer Limits tie-in many (many many) years ago. Not exactly my most inspired work, but... is the detective in this scene the same guy who plays General Hammond on SG-1?

I couldn't find the artwork I set out to find in the first place. But I threw out at least three large bins filled with paper and my shelves are in a less chaotic state as a result, so it wasn't for nothing.
Back to work. Four double-spread pages, two single pages, and two vignettes left to ink (I have a constant countdown running in the back of my mind). I have reached one of those points where there seems to be no progress, and the stuff left to-do stretches before one. It would probably be wise to start coloring the half dozen pages that are already inked, to mix things up a little. I'm just usually obsessed with finishing one stage before proceeding to the next. But coloring definitely sounds way more fun right now.

sga, vid_recs:sga, vid_recs

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