Getting the hang of the tractor Papa Joe bought him as an early, early birthday present (June early). There are so many things that kids have now that leave me asking "Where were these when we were kids?"
Our garden about harvest time.... Tomatoes in front and the row on the right, onions and garlic in the middle didn't do well, yellow squash and zucchini took over the green beans on the left. I'm planning out my garden this year. I've drawn a sketch and decided where to put what (Loofah, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Pickling Cucumbers, Dill, Onions, Lettuce, Zucchini, Rhubarb, Rosemary, Basil, Cilantro). Now I need to get outside again and decide on measurements for raised boxes before I can plan a budget for everything (lumbar, soil, seeds, new watering can, etc). Plan to be much more organized this year. Need to start seedlings and prepare ground ASAP. Planting begins May 1st or sooner for a few things.