Mind you...these were taken 3 months ago.
Let me start by saying I LOVE bibs on little kids! I've always wanted to dress my children up in overalls and accentuate all of their cuteness. Is it possible to max out Blake's cuteness - even in denim overalls and Daddy's big, Frontier Days cowboy hat? :D
I can't decide which one I like better.
Blake came down with "the viral" this weekend. We took him and Big B (
sobehunter) to see
Barenaked Ladies debut their new childrens' album at Barnes 'n Noble in Boulder. They also did a CD signing, but we didn't get there in time to get a wrist band that got us autographs. *shrugs* We barely heard about it in time to go. Literally, we had decided to just go down to Wash Park and have a picnic when we heard it on the radio. I finished getting ready for the day and we were out of the house and off to Boulder. We couldn't see much, but it was awesome to jam out to BNL live 40 feet away.
After that we grabbed some lunch at the Panda Express. Thank goodness I was sitting right next to B and he was strapped in, because he got sick EVERYWHERE. It just kept coming and coming, out his nose like molten lava even. (Sorry if that's TMI.) I grabbed the carseat that was in the booth next to me and just pulled it forward and made a massive wipe at his face with whatever I grabbed so he wouldn't aspirate it into his lungs. Needless to say with as sick as he was, we didn't really go anywhere else for the rest of the day. Kyle had to run sound at church for a funeral and Brent had to catch his flight home. So I took Brent to catch the SkyRide at the Park 'n Ride and stayed home with B the rest of the day. There was no way I was going to let B be in the back seat by himself for the half hour drive home from the airport where I couldn't pull over if I needed to.
His temp got up to 102.8F Saturday. So I kept a close eye on him Sunday and we took him into Urgent Care when his temp spiked at 104F. Of course, by the time we got there the Tylenol was peaking and had brought his temp down to 100F. He was a happy, smiling, flirting baby...made Mommy & Daddy look silly for bringing him in.
Needless to say, he couldn't go to daycare today. Kyle worked a few hours this morning and I went in a couple hours late. I'll work late the rest of this week to make up for it. Blake is feeling much better today and he'll be back to school tomorrow. We're slowly starting him back on solids today. We did some peaches and Cheerios for breakfast and he puked those up. So just formula for lunch and we tried some mashed potatoes and noodles for supper. He didn't eat much, but he's kept it down tonight.
Kyle won tickets to see Blues Traveler at Red Rocks on the 4th of July! Collective Soul & Live are opening... They played his "Select A Set" this weekend on KBCO: Burning in the Sun (Blue Merle), Blue (The Thorns), and Blue Sky (Big Head Todd). Unfortunately we won't be able to go since we'll have family in town. Kyle's parents are bringing Kayla, Carter & Uncle Steve on a road trip out here. The good news though is that Todd & Oz will be able to go. We called Todd up tonight and - can you believe this? - he's NEVER EVER been to a concert before!!! Amazing. Gloria will be in Montana with her grandparents, so it will be a great Date Night for them. :D
We're still trying figure out where to go see fireworks up here.
And a mind bender for you: 1L2L3LI