Jul 01, 2005 11:01
This is amazing: There's a floor in our closet....for the moment anyway.
Put shoes in closet
Find home for memorabilia (sp?) stuff
Find homes for all tolietries and bathroom appliances
Find home for cookbooks
Find home for extra paper, stationary, camera stuff
Display prayer scarves somewhere in apartment
Put clean sheets on beds
Set out guest towels
Dog park
Grocery shopping
Put up surround-sound speakers
Grill steaks
Soak soybeans
Marinade pork chops
List books for sale on www.amazon.com
Go through and find homes for uniforms/other misc gear that I've acquired
Call Kendra
Call Deyo (yeah, he's still being unreliable and I STILL haven't gotten the coursework yet)
Lab report
Practice problems
Read organic chemistry
I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff, but that's the major things. It's been ultra-nice to get the apartment out of boxes and piles. Kyle's been a huge help in the office/guest room. I guess my files were somewhat amusing and funny. Kyle parents and grandparents are coming for the weekend and they get here this evening. So I would really like to have the apartment in as close to tip-top shape as possible. This weekend they plan on getting a lot of work done on the studio construction. I don't know what else we'll do. Kendra and Brad are going to the Renaissance Festival on Sunday and have invited us. I'd like to find some fireworks to see Monday night....maybe a parade somewhere.
Other than that, I don't have much of an update. I've been busy with classes. This week I took my O-chem midterm and my biology lab midterm practical. The biology midterm was a piece of cake. I didn't do as well as I would have liked to, but still did quite a bit better than the class average. This just may be the hardest class I will ever take. Without a curve, I'm sure that 75% of the class would fail.