Enabler's Meme

Nov 22, 2009 02:57


full name: Astrid Lyra Lestrange
nick name: N/A
age: 16
birth date: March 15
occupation: student
race: Caucasian
bloodline: half-blood
house: N/A
gender: female
romantic orientation: straight
relationship status: in a relationship
hair color: blond
eye color: blue
height: 5'3"
weight 120 lbs
is this accurate with your driver's license/id: yes!
use a fake id: nope

Spouse/Significant Other's Info
name: Jacob Bell itsonlyjacob
age: 16
bloodline: half-blood
house: N/A
occupation: student
hometown: Falls Church, VA
siblings: none
dead or alive: alive
sexuality: hetero, as far as she knows

relationship with SO:
Pretty strong. Except they've only had sex once and Jacob's afraid to do it again because Rab will rip off his head and chew on his nerve endings.

Mother's Info
name: Heather Lestrange
maiden name: Eagan
bloodline: muggle
age: 35
occupation: ... About to be ex-assistant to Dr. William Birkin at the Umbrella Corporation
hometown: Washington, DC
siblings: none
dead or alive: alive
sexuality: heterosexual

relationship with mother: Good

Maternal Grandparent('s) Info
relationship with maternal grandparents: Also good. Except she doesn't talk to her bio-granddad all that much because he thinks Rab is a lout who should be lobotomized.

Father's Info
name: Rabastan Lestrange
age: 50? ish?
bloodline: Pureblood
house: Slytherin
occupation: Stay at home dad
hometown: Lestrange Estate, wherever that was. It recently burned down.
siblings: Rodolphus Lestrange
dead or alive: Rab is alive. Dolph is dead.
sexuality: Dolph was debatable. WITH RAB THERE IS NO DEBATE OKAY?

relationship with father: FANTASTIC

Paternal Grandparent('s) Info
dead or alive: dead. There was a fun-filled day when Astrid was four. Vega ended up dead at her hands thanks to Avada Kedavra. Then Rab strangled his mother. >___>

Home Info
town/city/village name: Falls Church, VA
country: United States
size: Sexy
language spoken: English

type of education: Homeschooled in magic and muggle subjects

house/apartment/other: House
laundry mat or laundry room: laundry room
dine in or dine out: dine-in

try and find a picture of:

your bedroom: stylish and purple
your kitchen: Sexy
your living room: also sexy
your dining room: SO SEXY
the exterior: okay fine, look at the whole damn thing here.
other rooms: amazing

Past Time
what kind of hobbies interest you: Fashion! Makeup, hair styling, clothes...
why: Because it's awesome! Duh.
how long have you been doing it: Forever! My dad helps.
can anyone do it: Nah, you need to have an eye for it.
do you do it alone, or in a group: With my dad!

color: Purple
shape: Star
place: Our new house
song: Thirty Whacks by the Dresden Dolls
band: My Chemical Romance, the Dresden Dolls
picture: of myself? Family portrait!
outfit: Too many
celebrity: My dad!

Really Random Questions
who is your role model? My dad.
ever been dancing caught in your underwear? Hasn't everyone? XD
if so, to what song? Too many to name.
do you have an accent? They say I sound a little British.
know anyone famous? My parents are kinda famous...
related to anyone famous? See above
how many degrees from Keven Bacon? Who?
last concert attended? Hot Layer of Irony
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Can you name five animals that start with z? Pshh, no.
What question did I forget to ask? I dunno!

