Yep. i need more friends but it's so hard to make friends with anyone...huh or maybe i'm just strange.
I love to swear in any language. There were few ppl who told me to stop. I said i'll try. And i tried. Believe me i did but i just love cuss that is all.. So theres a lot of shit happening in my life at the moment. I have to give a speech on Wednesday and week after that i have to give a speech in english. Then on the 5th of May I will have to show my skills in writing in polish on the exam and then in english on the next exam and then i will have a history test. And you know what? I have to pass all of these exams veryyyy good. Otherwise i won't get to uni. So i will be stressed and scared until the 19th of May and it sucks.
Wish me luck lol. I will do my best.