Mar 08, 2004 22:34

Do you remember what it was like to be in college? Allow me to refresh your memory with a brief anecdote... :)

So tonight, we discovered that one of the gallons of milk we'd bought (we drink *lots* of milk...or rather, we eat lots and lots and lots of sugary cereal--you know, the kinds our moms would never buy for us at the store but they advertised during all the best kids shows like Ninja Turtles and Care Bears (now I'm showing my age)--and we need milk to go along with it) had sprung a leak and was contaminating our otherwise pristine refrigerator (ah, yeah, ahem... pristine). So, after cleaning up the mess, we were left with a soggy milk carton which was now leaking its contents all over our counter. We would not lose $3.29 sitting down! After an unsuccessful search for duct tape (which, naturally, can be used to fix any and all problems) we decided to think outside the jug and our creative minds alighted on two recently emptied 64-ounce bottles of Snapple Peach Iced Tea (we also drink *lots* of tea in college--of both the real and fake variety. It's cheap, and it can provide caffeine for us non-coffee drinkers--none of us drink coffee here anymore since Maria gave it up for Lent.) So, after a good ten minutes of washing and rinsing (we only do a very cursory job for the recycling bin), we dried them with our blow driers (a relay race, of sorts) and transfered the milk. So now we have two large bottles labeled "Snapple" with a white, milky substance inside--don't get excited; it's milk. We hope this won't cause confusion, as there is also a bottle of "Snapple" with tea inside...and that's the last thing anyone would want on her Fruit Loops.

It is my profoundest hope that we got rid of the peach really doesn't go well with milk.

In other news, I have decided to live on a diet of mini carrot sticks, at least until such time as the stop being two for $1 over at Westside Market at 110th. Carrots are the only vegetable I'll really tolerate on a normal basis--but I kinda go overboard with them. They're really really good.

Three more days 'til Spring Break!
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