
Oct 02, 2009 23:46

One my so-called friends is mad at me for some reason. I have a pretty good idea why, but she's giving me the silent treatment, so I can't be sure. I said 'hi' to her one day, and she didn't speak. Then, I found out she was sick and texted her to see if she was okay, and she never responded. We live in the same apartment and all week she hasn't said a word to me.

I think that is just SO ridiculous. We haven't been friends that long, so unfortunately I can't really say that I care that much about the friendship ending. We met in ''05, and she was cool then. But somehow, she's just gotten more bitter and petty. We lived together in the dorms our first year at university, and she got on my nerves because she'd always leave shitty, passive aggressive notes about our cleaning schedules and notes. Then, she and one of my other friends decided to get an apartment, and I didn't want to. I was kinda glad to be rid of her, and I stayed in the dorms. I figured living with friends is a good way to damage a friendship even further. I should have probably stuck with this philosophy. But I my roommates at the beginning of this semester where pretty unbearable. They were noisy and cliquish; plus, they'd always have random drunk guys over.

So I moved in with my friends. Things went okay for the first week, but now they've soured. I can't say that I care though. As friends, we really don't have much in common. We like each other, or liked each other. But she's a homebody. She doesn't like to go out much, and she's really into health so she's super against drinking. And now, she won't speak to me. So her presence in my life is pretty null and void. I think she's being so immature, but I honestly can't say that I'm hurt. Not by her at least.

Lately, I've just noticed a dwindling in people that I can truly count on. I have 91 Facebook friends, and I know everyone on my list which I used to feel pretty good about. I'm not a notorious friend collector. The people that I add are people that I'm genuinely interested in. Even though sometimes they may not be as interested as I am. But then I realized that there's just a handful of people that I could actually call up and hang out with or even have a long conversation with. I guess that's better than having none, but it's still a little depressing. Most of the people live far out and aren't really willing to venture out to see me since I'm car-less. Others live out of state. My absolute BEST friends is having a baby. I'm happy for her, but I know I'm not going to be her top priority after she delivers. Several other of my girlfriends are engaged or married, so they're super involved with their relationship and tend to hang out with other couples. 
When I was younger, I used to swear to myself that I would never do that and I still don't think I would. But as I older now, I can see how it's harder to be in a relationship and hang out with a single person. sigh. I need to meet new people, but it's so hard. The British have been accused of being reserved and not open to meeting new people, but I think that my generation of Americans is just as bad. When I go to bars and stuff, people just tend to hang around with people they already know. No one really ventures out to meet others. It's the same way in my class at university too. The only way I really get to bond with people is at work, but I've had the same job forever and not many new people have been through.

Up until now, I've typically avoided longterm relationships but maybe that was a mistake. At least with having a serious boyfriend, you'll have at least one person who's forced to hang out with you. Maybe I need to join a bookclub or something. Or a photo club since I like taking pictures. Time to investigate...

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