500 Days of Summer

Aug 03, 2009 23:10

 I saw 500 Days of Summer on Friday. It was SO amazing!  It's about Tom Hansen, a young guy who's hopelessly in love with Summer, a chick who doesn't believe in love or relationships. He spends most of the movie in love with her, and hoping she'll change her mind and fall in love with him and be with him forever and all that jazz. She does eventually change her mind, but she doesn't fall in love with Tom. That part was somewhat sad, but if they had gotten together it would've made the movie corny.

At first, the movie seemed to be trying to convey the message of believing-in-destiny-and-soulmates-is-bullshit because Tom fully believes in the idea throughout the movie, but he gets his heartbroken. However, the ending is a bit more positive. I won't completely give it away in case someone wants to see it. However, I remembered feeling a little disappointed that the movie didn't end up conveying the message that soulmates and destiny are  a fantasy since I've been leaning towards that belief lately. But I suppose, it would've the movie would've been too depressing. It was a really good movie. It might replace Juno as one of my fav indie films. I might have to see it a second time though. 
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