(no subject)

Aug 31, 2011 09:38

I just set them up, just set them up to knock them down... -Katy Perry

Oh Katy Perry, my girl crush. I'm not big on envying women their looks, especially famous ones b/c I typically find that the female celebrities that everyone goes nuts over aren't even that cute. It's really annoying sometimes. I mean I've seen cuter girls than Paris Hilton or Blake Lively on the streets. BUT Katy Perry is the exception. I envy the dark hair and blue eyes and how she's skinny yet still curvey at the same time. If I could go gay for any chick, it'd be her. That's all ;)

On a different now, I've FINALLY found a decent job with a luxury retailer a couple of weeks ago. It's going pretty well. Everyone I know seems to think its an awesome company, and I kind of agree. It's a credit office at a store, and there's a lot of little things to learn so its frustrating at times. Sometimes I feel as if ill never learn everything, but it'll take more time I guess. I just like to get things right away.

It's my fourth week though, and I'm starting to see cracks in the surface. When I started, it was really exciting--Designer clothes (hardly anything in this store is under $1000), authentic artwork on every floor, state-of-the-art facility, on-call visual design people. It's pretty exciting. I'm typical working class girl, so I've never been around so many nice things & it was a nice culture shock. But I think everyone's true colors are starting to show. The people that I work with in the credit office are great, but it seems as if there's quite a bit of hierarchy snobbery going on. The department managers and the people in the "executive" office call themselves the "A" team. Perhaps, this is a joke or what have you, but if they're the "A" team then that makes everyone else "B" and second rate. Also, despite being introduced by my co-workers & manager, none of the "A" team have bothered to learn my name. Which I guess is somewhat understandable...I'm a new and they probably think a lot of "new" people are transient. But then some of the "A" team are just downright rude and dismissive.

I was called upon to find Marcus (the store manager) by his assistant--also considered part of the "A" team even though she's a glorified secretary--and when I couldnt find him she said "Do you even know who Marcus is?" UGH! The nerve. Of course not ma'am, I'm such an idiot that I don't even know who the store manager is! Then another member of the "A" team refused to let me help citing "Oh, you wouldn't know". Maybe that's fair. I'm new after all, but to me it would've been more fair to at least see if I could possibly help before just automatically assuming I couldn't. Oi vey. I don't want to sound like a brat by citing too many times that things aren't "fair". Life isn't fair as ALL the matriarchs of my family have told me time and time again.

It is still a good company, and I think I would like to move up. I just need to figure what else I'd be good at within the company. In this economy, I just feel as if I'd have a better chance moving up in company then trying to find a better job somewhere else. Ah, c'est la vie.
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