Friends Only and Friends List Cut

Sep 06, 2010 01:10

Credit for the banner goes to miss_mary_b.

I'm finally doing what I've been talking about and taking my journal Friends Only, as well as making the friends list cuts that I've been pondering for a while now. I've come to accept that the demands on my time make it difficult for me to read everyone. I'm already skimming memes, fictional writings, and other large postings, and I feel guilty about that. I want to be able to give everyone on my friends list the respect, time, energy, and attention they deserve.

Please know that the cuts are nothing personal. If I removed you, it doesn't mean that I'm mad at you, I don't like you, or you did anything wrong; it just means we either never really connected beyond the initial "getting to know you" phase or we don't have much interaction in general. If you're upset, please let me know and we'll talk about it. Likewise, if you followed my journal when it was still public and have a specific post you wish was still public, please let me know; I may make it public again for you. :)

friends only

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