Jun 03, 2007 09:58
I'd say we are about 1/2 to 3/4 moved over. Maybe. I havn't been upstairs in the old place since the first load of stuff to the new place. Mirror of our old floor plan, but somehow, this apartment doesn't seem so dark and feels a little bigger.
My most heartfelt thanks go out to EVERYONE who has worked so hard to help us get this done....and to keep me from spontaneously combusting because I am so bloody frustrated by the fact that I really can't do a whole lot of anything. My back made that VERY clear when I packed one box and was in so much pain I seriously could not function.
ISP and Satalite were here the first day. We have TV and connectivity, which has helped a lot. People can relax between trips up and down.
Funniest quote of the move thus far- Sam helping Laney bring down things for her room, walks in teh front door with a lawn trash bag in each hand and one hanging in his teeth. I came from the hall and saw him when he reached the diningroom and asked him "What's all that?" His reply, as he dropped the bag hanging from his teeth......wait for it....."her royal highness' matched luggage!" You name the movie.
I have new windows to paint now. That is going to be a task. Sam also has a small yard area that he is going to plant. I'm thinking I don't want to totally paint the sliding glass doors, because then I wouldn't be able to see the flowers in the garden. Perhaps I'll just do a vine boarder along the top and top half of the sides, I don't know.
We'll see how things go.