Last year I used my summer vacation to marathon a new show I had wanted to try out: Haven.
Then when it started up again in the fall, I started watching in real time (added bonus, I didn`t have long to wait between the Season 2 Finale and Season 3 Premiere). And now I desperately want to go back to marathoning because I need the next episode NOW. Can`t believe how they left it...
The penultimate episode was in a way a little standalone troubled case ep, in the midsts of the preparations for Audrey to "leave". Normally, that would have annoyed me but for the Haven feeling, it felt very fitting. This is who Audrey is, the helper of the troubled so doing that on her last day was less of a distraction from more important story things and more of a last bout of nostalgia.
Besides, teenage!Duke was hilarious, such a pretty boy. And he put snakes in dork!Nathan`s locker, just to get his attention. Aww.
Now the Finale.
Dave is the boss of the guard? O-kay. With all we know (and don`t know) about Vince and Dave, it is not illogical, though. And him protecting Duke in his own way. Aww again.
Dwight. I just love Dwight. Audrey`s farewell to him was quite sweet.
Nathan and Duke teaming up to save Audrey, just like the Season Opener, only with the already unplesant hints of early-Season-3-Nathan. They were friends here. Even that little moment where Nathan flew off the handle for the first time and Duke slapped him and calmly pointed out the logic behind his actions and his statements.
Speaking of Nathan flying off the handle, Audrey being in danger sure is like his kryptonite. He is usually such a taciturn guy but loses all abilities to think logically and be reasonable in the face of "losing Audrey - nooooo". Duke is the one who has to hold him back then. Literally even a few times. My little OT3, without one of the parts, you can`t function properly.
Also poignant that Audrey calls on Duke for exactly that function and Duke says to Nathan how it is Audrey`s choice. Duke has been nothing less than wonderful this entire Season.
I was quite iffy on Audrey learning of Nathan and Sarah, and that James is their son. It might be the same body but it is still in essence a different woman. Why else fight so hard for AUDREY to remain. She would return in 27 years, just as someone new. Obviously, that wasn`t good enough for Nathan and the others. So sleeping with Sarah-as-proxy was really not romantic or anything.
I kinda doubt Audrey (Sarah, Lucy) killing someone she loves will be the answer. Her backstory is still very mysterious. When did it all start and how? Was she the first troubled in Haven? Did she create the troubles and that is her neverending punishment?
We already know the answer to the mystery in some way: love conquers all.
So once they figure out the puzzle in its entirety, then the obvious falsety of "kill Nathan (or Duke) to end the troubles forever" should be revealed to be just that. And that only by loving and not killing will they end it all.
The final cliffhanger was just so mean. Much worse than the Season 2 one and that was already mean. Something went wrong this time, meaning the troubles won`t stop for 27 years and the barn, Audrey and Duke will reappear before that. When they do, something of the town needs to be left to still have a show so it couldn`t be too long.
But till then Audrey and Duke are off to parts unknown and god knows HOW they return (bigger question then "when" in my mind). Do they come back blank-slated? Audrey with a new identity?
And Nathan, telling Duke to go save Audrey. To go save their girl basically. Awww. Just like Audrey acknowledging that "her guys" have her back. I mean, she and Nathan are the more obvious romantic couple whereas with Duke it`s a bit of a triangle tease (she is sorry to forget Colorada specifically?) and the Nathan/Duke relationship is troubled (haha) as well but it`s more than shippiness in this show. It`s a love that binds those three people that transcends that.
Nathan standing there, with two bullets in his chest, screaming Audrey`s name? Waaaaaaaaaah. I need Season 4.