Being productive...

Dec 12, 2005 18:20

  • Laundry on - check
  • Dishwasher empty - check
  • Shopping done - check
  • Time left to write entry before need to go make toad-in-the-hole - 8 and counting...

Hopefully I'll have more time soon to write (and hopefully I'll actually start writing bits more frequently so it doesn't become such a chore every time I do get round to it) but for now the cliff notes version of my past week:

Sister erniemay  visited from (not so) sunny Scotland last week and we had a bunch of fun. Saw the grandparents where I got categorically (although kindly) informed that I was kinda a loud tantrum-y kid, not like my wee cousins who are apparently so well behaved. Personally I remember myself as being fairly lively and maybe slightly keen on getting my own way but I've been told I have improved since then. A little. Was slightly sad though as my grandad is really starting to get old and his mind is noticeably going. Am really scared that he's not going to last much longer...

Got the flat fixed - finally - after finally threatening to sue the managers. It's amazing how quickly things get solved when you threaten to bring lawyers into it. Nothing major was really wrong, just loads of little things, but they did start to grate after a couple of months of extreme ineptitude on the part of our flat managers. Oh, and they managed to lose our rent as well, which was not a good thing.

Finally saw Harry Potter legally, at the cinema and loved it even more on the big screen than on a grainy computer window. It has completely sparked my addiction again. How long do you reckon before number seven...?

Went ice-skating for the first time in 5 years and the third time ever. Started shaky, got a lot better by the end and didn't fall over once, a fact that I am very proud of. Unlike Ernie who actually managed to fall out of the rink at one point. Good going, Ernie!

Saw the Lion King in the West End, which was completely fabby. Costumes, singing and stage set-ups were amazing! Only slight annoyance was a family sitting directly behind who felt like critiquing every small detail as if it were some kind of philosophical play. It's a bloody children's show, based on a cartoon, dudes! Just use your imagination and enjoy the ride! Oh, and the littlest kept munching on an extremely crinkly snack through the second half...

Mostly up-to-date now. Ernie left yesterday, although not before she kicked my butt to start making icons again (should hopefully have a post together soon) and finally proof-read what I've written of my SV fic so that I can get round to editing it (half-way through) before I start on new parts. Half way through... Was really sweet of her to read it, though, as she doesn't read fanfic, definitely doesn't do slash, and tolerates my Clex obsession with wry amusement most of the time. Love you, Erniemay!

Okay... now only running 7 mins late on dinner. I can catch up...
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