Nov 12, 2007 02:50
While I was cooking carbonara yesterday *(it's 2:52am monday already) morning, The glass bowl that I took from a kitchen cupboard slipped from my hand and fell into the sink. It was really so spontaneous and my initial reaction was to catch the bowl. But before I could do that, It was already broken. Just imagine this: The glass bowl fell, My right hand started pursuit, the glass bowl shattered in the sink, My right hand crashing into the pile of shattered glass. *(Got that?)* Yes, pretty stupid indeed. I should've let it break on its own without hurting myself.
Now, my ring finger *(right hand)* has a chipped off part *(under the fingernail)* and It's kinda deep, the chipped skin is still attached. *(draw a Q and erase the - part to make it look like a C)* Well, when I replaced the cotton, tape, and medical gel thingy recently, I saw it again, a bloody mess *(ofcourse it's clean now)* and as I examined the skinned part, It wasn't as deep as I thought. *(Thank God for that)* And I just noticed a cut at the same finger. I was overwhelmed by the skinned part that I didn't feel the other cut. Now my right ring finger looks like there's a marshmallow stuck to it *(cotton wrapped with medical tape)* I hope it heals soon...