The past three-some weeks were crazy. My boss was out on medical leave, and I ended up -trying- (the emphasis is necessary) to manage the store. I did a bang-up job really, and I feel quite bad about it. I suppose you could say my delegating skills are lacking and I took too much on by myself and could never get ahead of the workload. Bear in
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But I'm back to my regular schedule, which brings me back to the idea of enlisting--or what I'd really rather do, which is contract as a commissioned officer in a non-combat position. I'm looking at the Navy. I'm hoping to do something related to psychology and criminology so it can count toward a second undergrad degree when I get out and can pursue more school again. But I've got to get healthy first! And then I've got to get back to training so they'll actually take me...
There's nothing brave about it. I just... can't figure out how to make a living. I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I hope to figure out just what's wrong with me so I can figure out how to fix it. We'll see how drastic it turns out to be.
Many thanks!!! And I hope things are going well for you and you're enjoying your summer!
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