
Jan 12, 2004 23:01

A nice divisible by five date. After thinking about it, if michael had wanted to we could have planned on this year...but i really dont want to plan a wedding from a different state. Anyhoose.... How we got here...
Fun trip 2004
~Start out on the 27th by going to my friend Heather's wedding. It was nice and cute and fit them well. I spent the entire trip yelling at michael since he was late. Then he played stupid about anything I liked at teh reception and made me look a fool. Why? ALL A PART OF HIS INTRICATE PLAN!
~Next to wraslin that night. We met louise and her man jack. The wrasling was bad, awful even. At one point...a very bad dog collar match...louise and i contemplaited having a hoodie match. It would have been more interesting then what was going on in the ring. Michael informs jack that hes going to pop the question who tells louise and ofcourse everyone knows before me.
~Now to Perry Ga. We spent the night there after finally finding a hotel that had someone awake at 3 am.
~ Next day we hit traffic of doom...aka i-75...aka bowl game traffic HELL. We finally get to orlando to meet michaels parents and brother, take a nap, go to ihop, come back and try to sleep over the snoring in the room. Which was a difficult task.
~Next day go to port cancaveral. Yay cruise day! Happyness! Lots of tolls. We get to the boat and its really big. (that sounded like a 2 year old but i dont care) We get michaels grandma and get on the ship. michael wears my big floppy hat. He looked lovely. We get in and look around the ship for a while. All the pina colatta waiters must have known i like them becuase they hunteded me. I said no since i wanted one after dinner. Well we go to change for dinner and the boat leaves port! Its a weird feeling sorts like being on stilts. IT only gets worse. Poor michael gets sick but does a damn good job of covering the bathroom with puke. Which takes 2 calls and 3 hours to be cleaned up...and they still dont use any disinfectant. ew. So after dinner i run around taking care of michael whose up on deck where its cool. Put him to bed and decide to join him after i have problems walking...BAREFOOT in the hall (still alchie free).
~Day two. Coco Cay. Royal Carribean's island. Its nice, old water, but the sun felt good. We got to take michaels grandmother over with us. Worst of all....all beach wheelchairs were flat. SO michael was irritated and had a heck of a time with it. But he did great :) We went back and got him some medicine so he wouldnt get sick. Needless to say the ship wasnt nearly as bad any of the other nights. We go to dinner. Georgia and her husband were our tablemates. Needless to day georgia kept eating peoples food/drinks/whatever. It was random. And kinda dumb since you get whatever you want! After dinner we went to a art auction. Michael told me not to let him spend more then 400 dollars. So he spends 500. Now me, being pmsing...and him spending over the ammount he told me to let him....and me being scared i would miss the choclate buffet that night..which i badly needed....did not make for a happy bethany. It all worked out okay...

New years eve: Start out by everyone going shopping in naussa. It was..shopping. I found this hello kitty bag purse thing that was really cool and very anti-theft in the strw market. So i had to barter. ARg.... i hate it. I had a pina colatta at lunch. It was yummy. We take grandma back and I take a nap while michael watches elf. Which is....funny. I get up and get dressed. Its formal night! Yeah! We go to dinner and theres this family that comes in late..minus the dad and the little girl wont shut up with the noise makers. So my ever plotting self decides it would be funny to turn around and blow all our horns at her. So we do. That girl jumped to high out of her chair. Also had a french kiss that night. The DRINK! (bethany's drink count 2)It was awesome. Then we said happy new year...and she played us a song. We then went on deck and found...DRINKS IN PINEAPPLES! That was awesome too. So we got one. pina collata2 (drink count 3) We went to the battle of the sexes and michael made people laugh and think he was drunk. But he dosnt drink. He was the designated driver of our elevator. We then went to save an area for the family for new years on deck so we could see the fireworks. Michael turns to me while playing gameboy and says "sorry i dont have anything for you tonight" I just say its okay and want to change the subject. So michaels parents return...no grandma..she wants to be a loner. So we chill and wait for new years. Firewors go off on the island....boats are honking...the countdown on the boat...and i get this really crappy half lip kiss. So then he hands me his champaign (count number 4) gets down on one knee (fireworks still going) and asks me to marry him. It was so perfect. It took me a while to stop huging him. Eventually i saw my ring which is so beautiful. So then we ran arround for a bit and eventually headed back to the room to put the camera up after a stop to tell his grandmother. I ended up beign tired....so on to the last day!
last day... a day on the boat. thats all there is to say really. I dont remember much. I'm sure i could if i tried....but it pales in compairson.
We leave the next day...stay up till way late watchign a comedian and oh...the adultscavengerhunt was that night. It was funny and thank god there are no pictures.
~ day we leave...want sleep...bad traffic...get lost sorta...find moms apartment on fire...get home call mom shes safe it was the section next to hers....but still reallllly close. Thats about it :)

in other news
SERVICE MANAGEMENT SUCKS....i had to leave work tonight. It sucks leaving all those people are crazy as they are. I will miss them.

In other news part 2
In feb i will be in birmingham doing fieldwork at spain rehab center. Woo! i still wish i were in arizona...well i wqish my aunt lived in birmingham. there. :)
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