Title: He's a Pirate
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Matsumoto Jun/Sakurai Sho; the other dudes
Summary: Who else shipped out of port with bright purple sails?
Notes/Warnings: For the Drabble-a-thon at
sakumoto. Request from
penmi - ShoxJun. Pirates. Captain Jun hijacking the ship Sho's on.
He's a Pirate )
Comments 20
-Okada crying about his ship he built
-The crew jumping overboard
-Jun's giant purple feather
-Jun's giant purple feather
-Sho taking an hour to get up into the crow's nest
-"Hey, what is my boy doing up there?"
-SS Marvellous
-The Hanadan shoe licking shout-out
Suffice to say, all of it.
I really want to see pirate Jun with his giant purple feather.
Okada icon for lulz
This was amazing. *_*
Seriously that was just perfect.
Captain Okada... SS Marvelous...
Sho pointed the musket at him. “I’ll…I’ll shoot your hat off!”
Sho-fail! xD
Nino, Aiba and Satoshi gets a little excited when he gets to knock people out. THIS! xD Omg this.
“Hey, why’s my boy up there?” Jun asked curiously.
Captain Matsumoto swaggered around the deck, his hips swaying
Bwahahaha... I love Captain Matsumoto. xD
Thank you SO MUCH for writing this.
everybody on Marvellous was cruel to Sho, and I liked it!
Okada crying for his lost ship is just so precious XD
Nino will so kill Sho after this.
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