Title: Three Weeks of Free Lunch Rating: PG-13 Characters/Pairings: Tegoshi Yuya/Kato Shigeaki; NEWS Summary: That kid? That's the kid he has to hook up with? Notes/Warnings: For Happy JE New Year 2011. High school AU.
omg. I was visiting your journal for the Sakumoto and I certainly did not expect to find some TegoShige and it's azkjabaznlxnljsbalb FABULOUS <33 The characterisation is right-on (especially Tego <3) and I love how you included so many of them in such a short story. bonus points for Yamapi/Food and the oh!so subtle Tego/Nagase innuendo :DD FOREVER LOLING @ TEGO'S SPEECH. AW RYO <3
oh my god .... first of all when i read "Ryo shakes it just as Kato spills his chili cheese fries all over his lap and starts crying." I had my head in my hands for a good minute almost about to cry at how pathetic that was until i continued reading.
Everything about this was hilarious ( and really sad...because shige is just such an overachiever I actually wanted to cry)!
"He nearly steps on his burrito as he gets on top of the lunch table, and Yamapi yanks it away with a shriek." <-- HYSTERIAL! oh pi and his food!
the speech at the end was actually the most touching part...!
I really enjoyed this! I'm so glad I found this too! (i wanted to leave a message on the authors (you!) page personally!)
Comments 5
The characterisation is right-on (especially Tego <3) and I love how you included so many of them in such a short story. bonus points for Yamapi/Food and the oh!so subtle Tego/Nagase innuendo :DD
Awesome fic is awesome. Thank you ♥
Everything about this was hilarious ( and really sad...because shige is just such an overachiever I actually wanted to cry)!
"He nearly steps on his burrito as he gets on top of the lunch table, and Yamapi yanks it away with a shriek." <-- HYSTERIAL! oh pi and his food!
the speech at the end was actually the most touching part...!
I really enjoyed this! I'm so glad I found this too! (i wanted to leave a message on the authors (you!) page personally!)
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