Title: Executive Assistant 4 - Game Changer
Rating: Hard R
Characters/Pairings: Sakurai Sho/Ninomiya Kazunari; Sakurai Sho/Matsumoto Jun
Summary: Sho as CEO. Nino as his secretary.
Notes/Warnings: Remember this series? This is what happens when I write after midnight. Did I just write myself into a corner?!
Executive Assistant 4 )
Comments 24
i do love this... series? collection? collections of chapters that all work well as one-shots? whatever they are, i like them a lot ♥ having a plot completely devoid of fluff (outside of nino's half-denied inner thoughts) is so refreshing. and you write it so well!
uh, normally i'd be writing a MOAR PLZ comment in here, but tbh i kind of hope nino just cuts ties and never looks back.
(I need to write more cynical stuff - it's too easy to make things all happy in the end)
I'm stuck on the MOAR PLZ myself - I almost want Nino to train Kame as a replacement so I can spring some Nino/Kame on the world, but I think there are 5 people that like it!!
lol i do not understand the draw of nino/kame AT ALL but i'm all for a rarepair getting more love.
Kame just has 'perfectionist' stamped all over him, at least from what I've observed so I think Nino's a good foil for him.
Half of me wants more of this series 'cause I love it so. The other half can accept this as a definite ending.
If I continue this series, I'll need a really good reason to keep it going (so it may take a while...it felt almost good to be back in this universe, which is strange since it's so soulless, hahaha)
Because just like how Jun is made to play the part of the "I'll do anyothing/anyone to get to the top" CEO, Kame was made to be a snarky hot secretary.
Kame would be one fierce admin, wouldn't he? *ponders*
Kame would be a hot yet shit admin, he'd have a I'm too cool to organise shit attitude. Would require extensive training... my mind is totally in the gutter thinking about training.
(And you know how I feel about Nino/Kame. Or...like...everyone/Kame.)
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