Title: All That's Fit to Print
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Sakurai Sho --> Matsumoto Jun; Anderson Cooper
Summary: “Do you think the devil horns on President McKinley are a bit much?” Jun asked, looking a tad nervous.
Notes/Warnings: An End of 2009 Request from
chelshock who wanted Jun fanboying over Anderson Cooper and Sho's resulting bitchfit. Haha,
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Comments 6
“No!” he’d declared, bolder than he’d ever dared. “I will root out their evil!”
“Evil?” Pulitzer had nearly chortled. “I say, boy, you are like a coiled cobra today. Permission granted.”
BEST LINES EVER. desperate, determined pseudo-superhero sho to the rescue! he will root out their evil for the sake of jun's talents! it's a small price to pay, really.
And then listening to the Sherlock Holmes soundtrack (a dangerous thing) somehow brought me to late 19th century yellow journalism. Sometimes I wonder what the hell is wrong with me. I didn't even specialize in American history - I just watched Newsies ;)
Of course Sho is a boring journalist. Has T no Arashi taught us nothing? :)
newsies is completely factual, obviously! that and whenever i think about an arashi re-casting of the movie, jun saying "papes" cracks me up every time. arashi as paper-selling wretches! ♥
aw, poor sho. he just can't get past the scholarly mentality that worked really well in college but makes his stories way too boring in real life. paper-readers are not researchers!
Anderson Cooper would have been PROUD.
you make history fun! sho had the awesomest lines!
thanks for this!
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