Sep 08, 2003 17:13
first off...yogurt raisins, granola and trail mix are kick ass...okay just had to say that...this entry is one of those more serious ones that might stray off topic but it still does have an underlying message or ramble or rant or whatever
okay well..have you ever thought that maybe you did the wrong thing by telling the truth..and i don't mean you wish you had lied because that way you would have covered your ass and not gotten in trouble, but instead that you could have avoided something bad for others if you yourself there is no inherent benefit to you, but instead something bad could be prevented....for instance, say we're all grown up and one of your compadres is running for mayor of say miami (maybe we're all really old and live there now) now this friend we'll call him bill, is a nice guy and is a friend of yours and is one of your little we still have circles even when we're 50...cept now we actually play poker with real money and can all drive.. (wait that's sorta like now but whatever)...anyway one of your other poker buddies...ted we'll say on the day of voting starts stuffing ballot boxes by pulling puggy's off the street to vote for dead people (read big trouble if you don't know what that reference is to) and in general working against his so called friend bill... now you witness bill stuffing ballot boxes and realize that's not very kosher so you think to yourself maybe i should confront ted about this, but you don't....instead bill confronts you after he's lost the election and says he's heard this odd rumor that ted stuffed boxes and you tell the truth (and this is the descision to tell the truth that i am talking about) and say yes he did....later you talk to ted and he says that he stuffed the ballot boxes because he didn't want bill to be mayor...but only because he knew that a gang was going to make a hit on the new mayor...basically ted was trying to protect you accept this but learn later that ted never tells bill this, instead lying and saying he never stuffed the ballot the thing is should you have lied to bill in the first place because it turned out that really there shoudln't have been animosity between bill and ted? or is that just stupid because you should have been able to tell the truth and ted should have just been straight up...anyway the point is how do you decide...telling the truth, bill and ted never talk to each other again, and never have another adventure, if you lie, maybe things work out...but you've compromised your integrity or whatever, even though it would have probably resulted in a better what if bill is someone that you care a lot about and don't want to see get hurt...he's kinda like a brother to you, you've got his back no matter what...right? well then maybe lying would have been better because bill was great friends with ted and now that's ruined...but what if ted changes and becomes something that bill wouldn't want to be friend with anyway then have you saved bill from that even though you didn't prevent a lot of pain (i don't say cause b/c it wasn't your fault) okay this is really long winded and probably makes no sense, but it's kinda hard to explain and the details aren't all included anyway so i'll stop now...yeah whatever maybe i'm just caught up by the fact that really doing the right thing may not have been the right thing in the short term but probably was the right thing in the long term, though doing the wrong thing may have been the right thing in the short term which would have prevented the long term results, but i don't know because i can't go back in time. though that would be cool, to go back in time and be able to like 'save' your life and work through a bunch of different choices but taht would be kinda time consuming and then you would be consumed with trying to get things pefect which is impossible, perfection is not, but perfection of actions i believe is, nature has perfection, one might say that man contains perfection in the form of the ratios of phi but really those are present throughout nature and aren't really making us anything special, cept for the cool fact that your foot is as long as your wrist to elbow and stuff like that. but back to perfection, i think that maybe people have become obsessed with an attempt at perfection, i mean makeup is in essence the effor of people to be closer to perfect, though really if we were less obsessed with the image that is put forth through the media etc etc we wouldn't necessairly assume that that is what is perfect and therefore, maybe it isn't the makeup that is the problem but merely a side effeect of it....i mean there "is so much beauty in the world" and all but we cover so much of it up trying to make it something it's not and relaly we are only poisoning what is truly beautiful and unique and maybe this makes me sound like a big sap or whatever but i don't really care so yeah...another form of this being, maybe we are just wanting to think that life is better than it actually is, makeup makes us feel more 'beautiful' happy endings make us feel as though the world is nice and just and much better than our lives actually are i mean what does that say about us? yeah okay i've gone way off base now so i think i'm done anyway whatever...arghh