May 31, 2006 23:43
I've been hearing about this whole situation in Iran where they are continuing work on nuclear development and how the nation has been responding to it. I've seen that this is nothing new and that there should be no way for the development of a bomb to be happening any time in the next few years and I agree that it would be a good idea to talk things out rather than end up on another pre-emptive strike against a large, oil-rich country.
Iran claims that they are not trying to develop weapons from it but instead are trying to develop a nuclear plant power system like the US and other countries have. Bush and his cronies keep playing the "OMG, You might die!" card to scare people into paying attention yet only now when nothing else seems to work do they act like they want to take part in talks about the situation.
However, it's not as simple as talks taking place as the U.S. says that they won't take place if Iran doesn't stop enriching uranium, which is the very same thing that Bush has been pushing for from the first place. Now this looks like the leaders of this nation are finally trying to get something done rather than just continuing to use brute force and fear to try and help them get their way and I hope that this is the case but the cynic in me is having a hard time believing it.
The cynic in me sees this situation is the government offering this directly intending to have it turned down so that the American people can have more justification for the same type of insane action that has been a part of this term of office.
I see something else that we could do to try and resolve this situation: Let's help them.
I have heard, through the media (who may or may not be trusted) that Iran's statement is that they just want to develop things scientifically like the other nations have the right to and that they wish to build a nuclear infostructure. We in this country use nuclear power for things and those things do not have to include building weapons with it. I can not say whether Iran truly has these goals in mind or if it wants to build weaponry but why don't we offer our support?
Rather than saying that if they hold off on what they are doing then we'll set up talks about this whole thing but instead say "We will help you reach your goal" and "We stand by you and wish you to be our friend" and add that this help is only offered if guarantees can be made that weapons will not be developed using it.
This really should go for all of the world, with each nation with nuclear weapons banding together to create a group that oversees the regulation of the nuclear information and welcomes those who wish to join it, if they will agree to stay loyal to the non-weapon utilization of that knowledge. Those on the council would also slowly but surely get rid of the nuclear weapons that they have, slowly disarming them and putting them to better uses helping people rather than harming them.
If Iran is truthfully meaning to build like they claim then they should welcome the help and accept their place in the nuclear World Council with all rights and duties inherent to the position. If they are not interested in agreeing and joining with the rest of the world then it would help call the bluff and give us more information. Of course, they could accept the help and then go on developing weapons but that leaves us in no different situation than we would be in before as that situation can already come about.
The main thing is that it would need to be everyone agreeing to the same terms and working together to disarm the danger of nuclear weapons, the United States included. In movies you see positions where all the people in a room are pointing guns at each other and it's a stalemate. How many people in this situation would say "Ok, I'll put down my gun but you don't have to put down yours", it just wouldn't happen. I believe the U.S. itself should set the example and take the first step in disarming as a show of good faith.
With one of the threats of the world eliminated and people starting to be able to work together maybe we can then keep the ball rolling and heal more of the nasty rifts that keep us at each others throats all of the time.
Lets usher in an era where we don't need to have our guns drawn all the time just to feel safe.