I seem to be unable to beat World of Warcraft.
I want to shoot whatever little particulates are causing my constant tearing up and sneezing.
My cat has gone from fat to "friggin' huge." This is funny because we feed her less than what is recommended she eat. This is testament to her powers of lounging.
I have quite a few days where I dislike swing dancing intensely. Unfortunately, they seem to coincide with days I'm going swing dancing. Unsure whether this is working as intended.
The Nintedo Revolution controller is hilarious. Also : potentially awesome. Still: hilarious. Also hilarious: the fact that the thread for it on FO has 750 replies and 17k views.
I am filled with irrational hatred for the south when I hear that they call pop "Coke."
Haven't felt a want to play poker over the last two or three weeks. Still unsure whether or not this represent a fading of a fad or just general disinterest brought on by depression. Thinking the latter is correct.
Today's link of the day:
Internet > Real Life.