I have decided to become part of the 21st century and get Gmail. You may now reach me at lindynerd (at) gmail.com, though you'd still be better off reaching me at my MSU address. Which is all a moot point, as I get one hundred fifty emails a day, none of which are addressed to me.
My car decided to make a loud noise and die two days ago, meaning that I've been getting reacquainted with the joys of my feet and the CATA bus system. Fun fact - buses come by here about as often as George Michael has sex with women. Also a fun fact : walking sucks. I have to admit, I'm a real fan of the motorized culture of lazy that we Americans love so. Why walk for ten minutes, when you can drive there in two? A good question. Did I mention I had gained fifteen pounds over the past year?
This is my kitty. Prepare for the cute!
Her name is Clementine. Observant readers will know why.
Angel is browsing
Good Vibrations right now. The joys of living together is that she catches me when I look at boobies, and I get to say "Oooh, ooh, go to the anal dildo section!" when she shops.
I'm completely engaged in the election right now - quite happy to note that if the election were held today, Kerry would win it. This last week has been awful the Monkey, with the debates and the post-debate spin heavily favoring Democrats, and each news story out of Iraq lending more and more credence to the Democratic claims. At this point, the fact that Kerry is a talking waffle doesn't matter all that much, and I'm quite happy about it. I certainly hope the momentum keeps up until November 2.
I'll probably spend Saturday out as part of the Democratic drive to knock on a million doors across the country to talk to people about voting for John Kerry. Even if you're going to support Bush, please go out and vote - the reason campaigns focus on things like prescription drugs and health care rather than issues more pertinent to young voters is because we don't fucking vote! I'd certainly love to hear about an expansion of the Pell Grant, or making college tuition tax deductible(Bartlet for President 08!). But guess what? You're not going to hear much about until you go out and say to politicians that "This is a significant portion of this country, and we want to hear about stuff that *we* give a shit about." You can do it by going and voting. Hell, if the elderly can do it, why can't you? Do you really want to lose to the elderly?
Politicians listen to me and not you! ha ha!"
I swear, that was the first thing that came up in GIS for "Old Guy."
EDIT - you'll notice I didn't say anything about the draft as an issue facing the country today. That's because I think the idea is absolutely fucking ridiculous - we're not going to have a draft. Ohio Representative Tim Ryan voted against the draft bill in the House two days ago, but he has a
reason why the public may think there's a draft coming.