hannah and riley

Apr 03, 2012 07:35

Thankyou to all who commented on my last post, I appreciate it :)

we have done a lot of talking and pretty much decided to try and get ourselves out of our circle of blame, trust issues and many other things that led to our end this time. We have mutually decided to take things really  slow, pretty much start dating again. Well as much as can be done with a 19month baby and no one to look after him at least. Things are progressing. Decisions are being made and finalised and I hope we can make it through this tough period. We have our tennancy review today and it will confirm what we need to do and hopefully our timescale too. More to come on this at a later date I imagine.

Hannah and myself were out on one of our mini dates yesterday, we went to shoot some pool which I won 2 straight games of :P and air hockey which was a close contest but I lost on that one, boo. We made our way back into town and were headed for food when we were called by our child minder who told us riley had fallen over and cut himself. We made our way to the park they were at and saw ry had a 2 inch open wound above his right eye. We were offered a ride to the hospital where we stayed for close to 3 hours and were eventually seen. Riley was literally glued back together and off home we went. Its pretty scary when your child is injured especially as that was the first time and it happened while he was not in our care, so many thoughts run through your head. Ultimately though he was chipper not uncomfortable in any immediate way and wanting to be off playing within 5 mins.

Id finally finished mass effect 3 too and really enjoyed the whole experience too. I have syndicate, vanquish & resident evil orc to play now as well as xenoblade to continue with.

Off now to work, be seeing ya.

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