
Jul 29, 2010 01:49

Today (or is it yesterday already?) I finally watched Inception! When I first planned on watching this movie (on the day it first came out here), I couldn't get any ticket and ended up watching 'Get Him to the Greek." But now I was finally able to watch it! Finally! I had feared that I would miss another promising movie, but thank God I didn't!

One word: 'AMAZING!' I just couldn't stop grinning once the movie's over. The whole time I was watching it felt like a dream. It's been a really long time since I've felt excited watching a movie. It was like watching football. I couldn't help but cheered for the protagonist, "Come on! Go, go!" I only said it in my heart though...okay, who am I kidding. I might have muttered those words a bit during the climax of the movie. It's just sooooo goooood!! It''s....mind-fucking!

I had my doubts about this movie at first because Leonardo DiCaprio's soft, high voice just doesn't seem to fit his gruff, mustache man image. But! He did a freakin' excellent job there! Once he started acting I just didn't give a damn about his voice anymore. Probably the only thing I didn't really like in the movie was the actress who played as Leo's wife. Sometimes her acting just doesn't really seem feel it's because of her accent. How should I say this....sometimes her accent just sound...out of place, you it just doesn't fit the movie...but of course that's just my opinion. And sometimes it's quite hard to pick up what the characters are saying, but that's just because the sound system isn't that good where I watched this movie.

Overall, I LOVE IT! Sure, the movie is hard to understand if you're not following it closely, but I think this is what great movie should be...wonderful acting, and the wonderful computer graphic is always a nice plus, wonderful characters, wonderful concept, and above all a wonderful plot! I'm glad I watched 'Inception'!

"What's the most resilient parasite? An idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it." - Cobb

"To take a leap of faith, yes....Come back, so we can be young men again.....Come back with me"- Cobb

review, movie, life

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