well seems like its about that time.
Time to say goodbye to 2004...
Thank you for being a really really great year for me.
I finally feel like i know myself again. I feel content with ME
i was so lucky to have the oppurtunity to try new things, visit new places and meet so many wonderful people. I lived in Barcelona for 3 months and i can honestly say it was 3 of the best months of my life. therapy that i Needed. I worked 2 jobs in DC and and almost died. I visited friends in Sweden and celebrated Midsummer.I went to a dirty mud filled festival in Denmark and loved every minute of it ( in retrospect). I watched my first friend get married. I got my heart broken and I broke a few hearts myself.I stuffed myself silly with food in Greece. I got a fishbone stuck in my tonsil. I learned what Chavs were in Brighton. Danced at Starscape.I watched the Athens Olympics and cried that i decided not to attend. I'm in a grad program i Love at a great University.i became obsessed with the Amish. lost some friends, made new friends.witnessed Guy Fawkes Night....i could go on..
Yeah there were some bad points, there always are. But 2004 left me happy. and more complete
I realized how important my family and friends were. I have some truly amazing people in my life and am so thankful...
its been good, and i can only hope 2005 wont let me down..
And just to stay with the trends, a few faves...
Top Movies: lets just say i saw more movies in 2004 then i ever had in my whole life...these may or may not have been released in 2004 but i did SEE them in 2004
- La Mala Educacion by Almodovar ( if you like his stuff you will Love this)
- Napoleon Dynamite
- Dogville
- Life Aquatic ( i heart wes anderson)
- Coffee and Cigarettes
- Lost in Translation
- Devils Playground
- Spellbound
- Garden State
- Goodbye Lenin!
- Elling
Top Music
- Franz Ferdinand
- The Killers
- Sahara Hotnights
- Air- Walkie Talkie
- Postal Service
Top Moments
- doing nothing with my best friend and realizing she is the best person in the world (many times)
- Volunteering at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark
- entering grad school at Uni of Sussex
- Moving to England
- Forming a crew and making Tshirts with our gang names on them
- being a bridesmaid at one of my best friends wedding
- Going to see the AMISH in Lancaster County Pa
- Greece winning the Euro Cup football thingy
New Places Visited
- Sweden- Stockhom, Sundsvall
- Denmark- Roskilde, Copenhagen
- England- Brighton
- Greece- Epidavros
- Spain- Barcelona
- USA- Chicago