Jul 10, 2009 14:58
I am tired and busy, so I will just cut and paste the chat log from when I IM'd Peter about this:
[12:56] kelly__: so before we left i wanted to check sarah's diaper, so i picked her up and said "let's go check your diaper."
[12:56] kelly__: she hit me and said "no way!" so I put her in her crib for a time out
[12:57] kelly__: she cried and carried on and i ignored her and went back after five minutes
[12:57] kelly__: i said do you know why i put you in time out? and she said "no hitting."
[12:57] kelly__: i said, right, we don't hit, and it's very rude to say "no way."
[12:58] kelly__: i said, what do you say to mama?
[12:58] kelly__: and she looked at me and said "you look so beautiful?"