Things I Hate, one in a recurring series

Apr 27, 2009 17:31

1) Calling a woman with whom you disagree or whose behavior you disapprove of a "whore". A whore is someone who has sex for money, not someone who does something you don't like. To use the word to express disapproval is misogynist and just mean. Don't do it.

2) Deciding that something that you believe is gross or icky is therefore universally wrong. My example today includes the extended breastfeeding wank today in sf_drama. Parenting choices are personal. If a mom and baby choose to breastfeed past the arbitrary point you think is icky, it doesn't hurt you and it's none of your business. I don't have to submit the ways in which I choose to use my breasts for anyone else's approval, so please don't act as if I do.

Tune in tomorrow for more in the series of Things I Hate.
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